Pre-market tobacco applications

In September 2020, the USA began to regulate its vape market, with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) implementing the Premarket Tobacco Product Applications (PMTA). This applies to any vape product on, or entering, the US vape market.

After a number of client queries & requests, we have created our own bespoke PMTA guidance platform and since its launch, we have successfully submitted a number of projects to the regulator.

If your business is taking steps to enter the US market, you will need PMTA guidance. We have strategies in place to avoid paying the $1 million price tag charged by other consultancies. Let Arcus Compliance take the stress out of compliance & regulatory issues by managing this for you. Get in touch to discuss ways in which we can help create an effective PMTA strategy to meet your budget. 

Contact us for more information.

If you’d like to read the latest information on PMTA Guidance check out our latest post here: A NEW ERA FOR PMTA REGULATIONS